Rovshan Ibrahimkhalil Khalilov
Professor Department of Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Baku State University
Sep. 1969 – Sep. 1972 Faculty of Physics, Azerbaijan State University, Baku, Azerbaijan Degree Awarded: Awarded State Scholarship for Undergraduate Study at the Moscow State University Sep. 1972 - Feb. 1976 Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, USSR Degree Awarded: Diploma for physicist (MSc equivalent) Specialization: Biophysics Dissertation Project Title: ESR studies of the Paramagnetic Centers in the Photosynthetic Processes. Apr. 1976 - Apr. 1979 Post - Graduate education, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Russia Degree Awarded: “Candidate nauk†in Physics and Mathematics (PhD) Dissertation Project Title: ESR Studies of The Primary Reactions of Photosynthesis May1991 – March 1992 Post - Graduate education, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Russia Degree Awarded: “Doctor nauk†in Physics and Mathematics, (Ecology and Biophysics) Dissertation Project Title : Mechanism of UV effect on the membrane systems
Research Interest
Biophysics, Ecology, Life Science, Membranology, Environmental Biophysics.