National research centre, Egypt
Abdel-Hamid Zaki, Deputy of Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Division (NRC). He was appointed as a head of Therapeutic Chemistry Department, National Research Centre, (2006, 2012)). He is working as professor of Applied Biochemistry at the same department. Major field of his interest is metabolomics in pharmaceutical research. He awarded many of scientific mission and grants from DANIDA (Denmark – 1994), TWAS (Italy-1997, 2001, 2003), FAPESP (Brazil, 2001),and UNESCO (2002). Abdel-Hamid was obtained and held PI for 5 international research projects from ISESCO- (1990-1993), TWAS- (1995-1996),TWAS ( 1998-1999), TWNSO- (2004-2006) and STDF (2014-2016).
Abstract : Diagnosis of dengue infection using metabolome analysis (biomarker profiles)