Nabil Semmar
Institut Supérieur des Sciences Biologiques Appliquées de Tunis, Tunisia
Nabil Semmar is specialized in computational biology focusing his scientific researches on analysis of regulation laws of structural diversity and functional variability in biosystems. He is a multidisciplinary biologist with a long academic itinerary including Master’s in Environmental Sciences (marine and terrestrial), a PhD in Phytochemistry and Post-doctoral researches in Pharmacometrics and Pharmacokinetic Modeling (1988-2004). In his PhD (Lyon, 2000), he developed an original simplex approach helping to statistically highlight multidirectional (flexible) relationships between biological components of polymorphic systems. His finding concerning simplex control of complex biosystems was appreciated by IAEA who invited him as consultant and speaker for conference in scientific program on plant and animal resources management (Vienna, 2008). More recently, he showed the ability of simplex approach to extract hysteretic regulation laws between drug metabolites in pharmacokinetic populations (2010). Moreover, his statistical contributions in pharmacometrics and population pharmacokinetics modeling were appreciated by Biomedical Simulations Resource Group (California) who invited him as speaker for a conference (Los Angeles, 2007). In pedagogy, he is the author of three books on statistics, computational metabolomics and chemotaxonomy in addition to several book chapters published in different international publishers (since 2009). He is Associate Professor at the University of Tunis (ISSBAT) (Tunisia) where he teaches these fundamental and specialization fields in different licenses and masters of biological sciences.
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