Kristina Djinovic-Carugo
University of Vienna, Austria
Kristina Djinovic Carugo has completed her PhD at the age of 29 years from Ljubljana University and postdoctoral studies from University of Pavia and EMBL-Heidelberg. She is the head of the Department of Structural and Computational Biology at the University of Vienna, and director of Laura Bassi Center for Optimised Structural Studies. The main area of her research is structural biology of actin based cystoskeleton with focus on striated muscle Z-disk. She uses an integrative structural biology approach, combining high resolution studies with complementary lower resolution biophysical and biochemical approaches. He has published more than 100 papers in international peer reviewed journals and is serving as a member of scientific advisory boards of repute.
Abstract : Towards the structure of muscle Z-disk using integrative structural biology